Hello! Please visit the filmmaker’s website (Karina Sturm) to inquire about additional screenings of the film (link at the end of the post). Thanks for the comment!
]]>Thank you for reaching out to me. This is great news! Yes, please create a podcast using the Hiring Blind blog post.
]]>I am the manager of the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network. We are part of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind, and as such, we are part of a larger network that assists blind people in finding jobs.
Our director recently saw a blog that you published in 2013 called Hiring Blind: The Misconceptions Facing America’s Visually Impaired Workforce. She asked me if I could make it into a podcast for our customers who are looking for work.
Physically, I can do that. But ethically, I want to ask your permission. You may have already turned it into a podcast. If you have, I would love to have the link. If you have not and would welcome us to do that, I will, of course, give you full attribution for the content and will refer people to your webpage.
Thank you for your work,
Stuart Holland, Manager
Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network
(on iBlink and at http://www.mnssb.org/rtb – password is rtb)
Thank you for your post and your trust in working with me. I sincerely commend you for your commitment to your own health and well-being.